Unlock your Zodiac

**Listed in United States Calendar Year***
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Recommendations: Capricorn women can elevate their lives with a fusion of these stones: ruby, amethyst, agate, dark onyx, and blue topaz. Embrace the profoundly favorable outcomes! The primary fortunate gemstone for Capricorn men is garnet or blue sapphire. Additionally, Capricorn males can reap the benefits of adorning themselves with other stones such as blue topaz, lapis lazuli, onyx, turquoise, and ruby.
Colors: Capricorns resonate with earthly tonesGrey, khaki, and navy blue will help caring, careful Capricorn but don't be afraid to wear some red when you're feeling like taking the leap. Shades like deep browns, indigo, and dark greens often reflect the grounded and ambitious nature of this zodiac sign. These colors represent stability, wisdom, and a strong connection to the earth's elements. Capricorns, ruled by Saturn, are disciplined and ambitious; their lucky colors are black and deep blue. By incorporating these colors, one can promote focus and a sense of stability.
MetalsSilver is the ideal metallic color for Capricorns when choosing jewelry.  Iron is recognized as the best for the people of Capricorn. This metal is concerned with the planet Saturn. Wearing an iron on Saturday gives special benefits. Wear a zinc or steel ring on the middle finger of the left hand on a Saturday.
Do NOT Recommend: Avoid yellow at all costs, all it will do is make your Capricorn personality feel restless and antsy. Wearing a ruby gemstone can create immense conflict between Saturn and the Sun, which can lead to a massive shake-up in all walks of life and other negative effects for Capricorns. Capricorns should avoid light, airy colors like pink and yellow, which might appear frivolous or lacking in substance. Additionally, it is recommended for Libra and Capricorn women to wear minimal gold.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
RecommendationsAccording to Vedic Astrology, Blue Sapphire is the ultimate birthstone for the Rashi Kumbh (Aquarius). Blue Sapphire is the most popular colored gemstone with a sparkling blue color and regal history. It is recognized as the most powerful gemstone in Vedic Astrology as it brings instant results in the wearer's life. Amethyst. The Amethyst is widely acknowledged as the main birthstone - or power stone - for Aquarius, and it's especially powerful when paired with an Aquarian who was born in February. The scarce color of this blueish-purple stone was prized by ancients, and it's infused by the energies of Uranus. The main birthstones of Aquarius are Garnet and Amethyst.
Colors: Power Color: Blue. As a water bearer, Aquarians bring knowledge to the world, and blue helps calm and center them as their thoughts spiral into a million different directions. Electric Blue, Grey, Aquamarine, White, Purple, Turquoise, Ultramarine Blue are the lucky colors for the Aquarius zodiac sign. As per Vedic astrology, these Aquarius Zodiac sign colors reflect Aquarius personality the most. They drive natives with positive energy and make them feel extremely powerful and confident.
Metals: Since Aquarius individuals are emotionally constrained, they need the stones and metal that make them emotionally strong and controlled. Just like water and air need to be stabilized, Aquarius people's minds must also be stabilized. For this, Silver is one of the best metals to be used by the Aquarius individuals. Iron and Silver are the lucky metals of the Aquarius.
Do NOT Recommend: Astrologers advise against wearing gold jewelry to the Aquarius natives. Since gold is associated with the Sun and Saturn rules this zodiac sign, it would be best if these individuals avoided possessing any gold items. Aquarius Colors to Avoid: They might disrupt the harmonious balance that Aquarians seek. Muted Earth Tones: Dull, earthy colors could stifle Aquarius' vibrant personality, hindering their innovative and progressive nature. These shades might feel limiting and suppressive. Ruby and red coral are generally not advised either as this is too much fire element for an air sign, it can create imbalances. Tiger's Eye. Aquarius' association with Saturn means that Tiger's Eye should be avoided. In the zodiac, Saturn is the enemy of the Sun, which means that the energy field of an Aquarian can be greatly disturbed by Tiger's Eye. Aquarius Unlucky Stone is PEARLS
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Recommendations: The Pisces zodiac stone, Aquamarine, is so soothing to look at and even more stunning when adorned on a piece of fine jewelry. It belongs to the beryl mineral group and the name literally means 'water of the sea.' To help them make their dreams come true, Bloodstone is the power stone for Pisces. Bloodstone jewelry and Bloodstone crystals make a great gift for Pisces! Amazonite also helps them go with the flow and not get too stuck on what's in their heads but what's actually happening here on earth. TopazMoon Stone and Coral gemstones are considered auspicious and lucky for Pisces Ascendant natives.
Colors: You are a dual-nature sign with the fire element, and yellow and orange are considered lucky colors for you. Pink is also very lucky for you since it gives you the inspiration and understanding you need to excel in your relationships and at business. Pisces most common lucky colors include Seafoam Green & Aquamarine. Aquamarine is also known as Pisces "Power Stone."
Metals: Copper and Gold are the lucky metals of the Pisces. Pisces is one of the few Zodiac Signs with the ability to wear Gold jewelry without any issues. Silver is considered a mystical color that resonates with Pisces' ethereal energy. It symbolizes emotional stability and intuition, empowering Pisceans to tap into their creative and imaginative abilities.
Do NOT Recommend: Bold colors such as dark red and black should be avoided by Pisces natives. They encourage negativity and are considered unlucky colors for Pisces. Also, the dark colors exacerbate the emotions which don't bode well with the sensitive Pisces. Pisces signs should avoid wearing stones that are associated with fire signs, such as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These include stones like citrine and garnet. Fire sign gemstones may clash with the sensitive and intuitive nature of Pisces energy. Pisceans should avoid citrine because of its fire energy. 
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Recommendations: To begin with, the Diamond is the gemstone for the Aries zodiac sign. It is the only stone in the world that is created from only one element – carbon. And while the Aries birthstone color is typically white, this gem can actually be found in every color of the rainbow. Citrine is a great crystal for Aries because it's all about healing and positive energy. Aries are driven and want to succeed, so having a little citrine on hand can help them attract success and wealth into their lives. Top Best Crystals & Gemstones for Aries is Amethyst, Red Jasper, Clear Quartz, Bloodstone & Carnelian.
ColorsAries is one of the three fire signs in the zodiac, along with Leo and Sagittarius. The ruling planet is Mars. Individuals born while the Sun is in this sign may be called Arians The color for Aries is red. There are several colors associated with Aries in addition to red. With fire as the theme, orange, (of course red) and yellow are the colors most often associated with Aries. Any shade that is warm and bright is usually associated with fire.
Metals: Metal According to Zodiac Sign #1: Iron for Aries, Scorpio & Cancer. Bold, outrageous, unique and made of steel are words that define these signs, much like their birth metal, Iron. Shiny, bright and magnetic, this is a metal that these signs should keep close. Gold: Aries individuals are drawn to luxury and extravagance. Incorporating gold accents into your wallet or using gold-colored accessories can enhance your financial prosperity.
Do NOT Recommend: This may come as a surprise to all-businesses Aries signs, but black is a color that you should avoid like Times Square on New Years' Eve. Black does not harmonize well with others and represent Saturn, your sworn enemy. Also avoid white and pink, these colors will dim your independent and creative nature. Earthy Browns: Aries may feel that brown tones dull their fiery energy. Muted Grays: Gray can sometimes dampen the lively spirit of Aries. An Aries should avoid - or at the very least be cautious of - crystals that are associated with Saturn or Venus. Malachite is one such crystal, however, also mentioned Aries should avoid black obsidian, smoky quartz, moonstone, amazonite, amethyst & lapis lazuli. Silver is not considered auspicious for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Recommendations: Emerald is known as the main birthstone for Taurus. This gorgeous green gemstone is a variety of Beryl and has been worn by rulers of various global civilizations for thousands of years, including Cleopatra. To this day the stone is still associated with prosperity and wealth. The Emerald is considered to be the right crystal for Taurus as it aligns with their love for abundance, beautiful things, and finding a hint of luxury. Other abundance and wealth stones that are suitable for Taureans are Citrine and PyriteEssential crystals for you include Carnelian for courage, Citrine for joy and abundance, Green Aventurine for heart chakra opening, and Tiger's Eye for balance and security.
ColorsTaurus Power Color: Green. Not only is it grounded in nature, but green also has a vivaciousness that helps Taureans feel revitalized. Not to mention, it's also the color of wealth—something Taurus signs value highly. The signature Taurus shades of black, whitepink and green.
Metals: Taurus people should always wear silver metal. According to astrologers, it is auspicious to wear a silver ring or locket on Friday. This will bring benefit in business as well as promotion in job. Wear silver on the middle finger of the right hand. Silver is considered the lucky metal for Taurus natives. Venus is the ruling planet for Taurus. The exaltation of Taurus is Moon. The participating ruler for Taurus is Mars.
Do NOT Recommend: Pearl is not generally advised as it can be destabilizing emotionally and yellow sapphire is not recommended as it predominantly rules the inauspicious 8th house in a Taurus chart.  According to the Ascendant, the native should never wear pearl, ruby, coral, and topaz in the Taurus Ascendant. People of Taurus should avoid using orange, yellow, and red colors. The people of the Taurus zodiac should mainly avoid red color. According to astrology, if your zodiac sign is Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius, then do not wear gold
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The birthstone for Gemini is pearl, but there are many great stones that can help elevate a Gemini experience in the world. You can use clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, aventurine, blue lace agate, agate, labradorite, and tiger's eye as a few examples. Essential crystals for you include Clear Quartz for clarity, Citrine for positivity, Tiger's Eye for grounding, and Aquamarine for mental cleansing, each complementing your Gemini traits. Apart from having excellent discourse, they are highly emotional. At times it becomes a tough call for them to balance their anger, which often leads to problematic situations. They should wear purple amethyst to increase their charm and moonstone jewelry to control their aggression.
Colors: Yellow symbolizes joy, optimism, and happiness, enhancing their friendly nature and communication skills. Green is another lucky color for Gemini because it brings out their adventurous side. Gemini Power Color: Yellow. Yellow is bright (it's literally the brightest color of the visible spectrum), cheerful, and energetic—much like a Gemini. Other colors for Gemini is light blue, light green, amethyst purple, and white. 
MetalsSilver and Copper are the lucky metals of the Gemini. Libra and Aquarius are the signs which are the most compatible signs with Gemini. Thus, people with the Gemini zodiac are very good at communication skills. They are very creative and enthusiastic about everything they do.
Do NOT Recommend: Black Onyx. Black Onyx is believed to create conflict in a Gemini's life. Although it has many great individual qualities, it has connections with bad luck and unfortunately does not sit well with Geminis. For users born under this zodiac sign, Black Onyx can attract fear into their lives and heighten discontent. According to astrology, if your zodiac sign is Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius, you should avoid wearing gold as it may harm you
What color should Gemini avoid? Gemini is ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. Gemini should not choose orange and red, as they disturb their creative energy but increases confusion and restlessness. While Geminis can thrive in a wide range of colors, there are a few they might want to steer clear of: Red: Red can intensify Gemini's already restless nature. Dark Blue: This color may hinder their decision-making abilities. Black: Black can bring out their secretive side, which is best kept in check.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Recommendations: Top Crystals for CancerMoonstone, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Carnelian are among the best crystals for you, offering balance, calm, love, and vitality to align with your sensitive and emotional nature. Ruby, the gemstone for the Cancer zodiac sign is also known as the 'King of the Gems. ' This remarkable red stone is commonly associated with love.  Green Aventurine, Carnelian, Green Fluorite, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz. These companion stones bring pleasure, wealth, and resonance to Cancer, also help the birthstones to give great energy. 
Colors: Lucky colors for Cancer include soft blues, pastel pinks, and shades of white. These colors enhance their nurturing nature and bring good fortune. Cancer is ruled by the nurturing Moon, so soft colors and soothing whites are soothing to them. These soft colors show how kind and sensitive they are, like the comforting hug of a warm blanket. Silver is the color most often associated with Cancer. Let’s look at this fascinating color and its symbolism about Cancer’s key personality. Regarding Cancer energy, soft blues, and sea greens hold significant meaning. Crystals such as Moonstone and Selenite perfectly align with these colors, as they amplify Cancer’s nurturing and compassionate qualities, enhancing their intuition and emotional depth.
Metals: Silver is the color associated with Cancer, so it's only right for sterling silver jewelry to be worn by this star sign. A crab brooch would also be perfect for any Cancer, due to this sign being represented by the crab. Wearing silver metal is auspicious for Cancerians. Wearing silver metal on Monday gives special outcomes. Asunder from silver, brass, and gold metals can also be worn.
Do NOT Recommend: Cancers can wear any stone that they are drawn towards, as intuition plays a big role when choosing crystals. However, they may want to avoid stones like Blue Sapphire, which is ruled by Saturn and in opposition to the moon. As stunning as the Blue Sapphire crystal is, it is unfortunately harmful to Cancerians. It is ruled by Saturn, which is an enemy of the Moon (Cancer's ruling celestial body). Due to this troublesome relationship between the planets, Blue Sapphire is unable to bring fortunate results to a Cancerian. Unlucky colors for Cancer include bright reds, oranges, and overly vibrant shades. These colors may not align with their nurturing and sensitive nature. Ruled by the moon, the water sign of cancer is the most sensitive among all zodiacs. Gentle and inward-looking, they are usually calm but can often fall prey to overthinking and anxiety. This cardinal sign should avoid black and burgundy to keep negativity away. Individuals born with Cancer should avoid gemstones like Amethyst, Moldavite, and Turquoise, as the presence of these crystals might disturb the tranquility of their sleep.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
RecommendationsPeople born in Leo are born leaders who can without much of a stretch inspire the majority by their attractive character. The vital fortunate gemstone for the Leo born people is peridotPeridot is the birthstone of August and the main stone for Leo – this green gemstone has long been considered a powerful protection stone and was used as a talisman in ancient times to ward off evil spirits. Citrine is a beautiful and powerful Leo stone because it harmonizes very well with the solar plexus. Tiger's Eye: Another good choice of gem for a Leo to wear is Tiger's Eye. Wearing it also encourages bravery, self-confidence, and inner strength that helps individuals turn their dreams into reality. Tiger's Eye is also well-known for protecting the wearer from evil eyes and other dangers. 

Jasper: Last but not least, another good alternative to Leo's Birthstone is Jasper. Jasper is a nurturing and healing stone that can significantly benefit Singh Rashis. It can bring protection to the zodiac and keep dangers at bay. Additionally, it possesses feminine and masculine energies that provide wisdom and balance whenever required. 

Colors: Golden, Orange, Yellow, Cream and Red are Leo's lucky zodiac sign colors. Ruled by the Sun, these bright and vibrant colors perfectly suit the personality of Leo natives. Leo Power Color: Orange. There's nothing more head-turning than the color orange, and the bold color is just what a Leo needs to feel at home. Go for burnt orange, as it is pretty much the color of the year, in a sofa or other home accents for a look that will both inspire and ground a Leo.

Metals: Gold can wake up luck for the Leo zodiac sign. Because the lord of this zodiac is Sun, who maintains friendly relations with the master of gold. Therefore, this zodiac sign must wear a gold ring. Jupiter is the lord of the fifth and seventh houses, due to which wearing gold items will be auspicious. Leo signs people should wear brass, and gold metals. This gives the grace of Jupiter. It will be auspicious to wear the gold metals on the finger of the right hand on Sunday.

Do NOT Recommend: Leo people are ruled by the Sun. They must stay away from white, pink, blue and pastels as it might dim their shiny personality. Unlucky Color: Black: Be mindful of overindulging in black, as it can sometimes bring negative energy. Since Leos are known for their energetic and extroverted personalities, blue might not align well with their desire for attention and excitement.  Beige, cream or any pastel shade is considered unlucky for Leos because it dulls their spirit and makes them listless and apathetic. It dims their energy and makes them a brooding and sad version of themselves. Leos should, thus, opt for brighter hues and stay away from light, soft colors. Emerald may not be the best choice for Leos because the stone dampens this zodiac sign's self-confidence. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, which represents power and authority. Since Leos are known for their energetic and extroverted personalities, blue might not align well with their desire for attention and excitement. According to astrology, the people of these three zodiac signs Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo should not wear silver things. All these three zodiac signs belong to the element of fire and the Moon, the ruling planet of silver, is related to the element of water.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Recommendations: Your ideal crystals include Clear Quartz for clarity and organization, Amethyst for emotional support and balance, Carnelian for motivation and self-confidence, and Amazonite for soothing anxiety and enhancing communication. Sapphire is also linked to Virgo. This gemstone represents wisdom, intuition, and mental clarity. It aligns well with Virgo's analytical nature, fostering inner peace and promoting a balanced mindset. 
The tiger's eye as a personal power stone helps Virgo in the release of all superfluous and brings it into balance. Virgos are natural scholars, whether they're currently students or not. Jade is a perfect match, as it's said to increase concentration, sharpen your attention to detail, and dispel anxiety. Wearing jade Virgo birthstone jewelry is also said to attract good luck, promote wisdom, and encourage strong relationships.
ColorsGreen is the luckiest color for all the Virgo natives, predominantly for two reasons. One is this zodiac sign's association with the element of Earth. And which color can better describe mother Earth! Another reason is that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and this planet gives away green rays. Virgos are drawn to colors like blue, green, brown, yellow, and neutral tones. These shades resonate with their personality traits. The colors ranging from turquoise to deep green, sky blue, and purple are favorable for the people of Virgo. The credit for the green color goes to their ruling planet Mercury. 
Metals: Silver or gold both are good metals for Virgo people. According to astrologers, wearing a ring with a mixture of both metals gives double profits. Mix gold and silver in equal quantities and wear this ring on a ring finger. Wednesday will be an auspicious day to wear this ring. Wearing blue sapphires are believed to help regulate their nervous system back to homeostasis and peace. Agate is the second modern gemstone that represents the earthy nature of Virgo. They are known to be the most effective crystal when there is a need to get grounded back into your body and out of our mind.
Do NOT Recommend: Stones that Virgo Zodiac Signs should AVOID Tiger's Eye with Amazonite  it does not pair well with one of Virgo's main healing crystals, Amazonite. Amazonite is worn by a Virgo to encourage better sleep and relax the mind when feeling stressed; Tiger's Eye promotes the opposite. These clashing energies can throw a Virgo off balance. This sign Virgo has rule by planet Venus that indeed shares an average relationship with the potent planet Sun. Subsequently, wearing ruby or Manik stone will not either cater to positive results or negative results for the individuals of the zodiac sign Virgo. Not one for stepping out of their routine, Virgos might feel out of sorts when the experiment with bolder colors so avoid red to stay true to your nature. Red and purple are unlucky for Virgo. **Virgo, who is very particular about things, may also clash with fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, who can also be passionate, and, at times, unyielding, in their approach to all aspects of life.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Recommendations: Essential crystals for you include Rose Quartz for enhancing love and trust, Amethyst for peace and serenity, Green Aventurine for confidence and good luck, and Citrine for optimism and abundance. Arguably the crystal most often associated with Libras, Turquoise is a symbol of friendship and it also promotes justice and fairness. It brings balance to the lower chakras, and we know how much Libras love balance! Turquoise opens lines of communication between people and helps Libras connect with those around them. Opal, the gemstone for the Libra zodiac sign can be found in several hues; however, white is considered to be the official Libra birthstone color. Above all, this unconventional beauty is adored for its ethereal 'play-of-color,' which never fails to grab one's attention. Libra has two beautiful semi-precious gemstones as its birthstone. The original one is the mystical opal. The alternative birthstone is the green peridot. Both are as beautiful as they are cheerful. Tiger's eye is a powerful gemstone with many benefits, but it can be particularly useful for Libras. Essential crystals for you include Rose Quartz for enhancing love and trust, Amethyst for peace and serenity, Green Aventurine for confidence and good luck, and Citrine for optimism and abundance. Tiger's eye is a powerful gemstone with many benefits, but it can be particularly useful for Libras. People born under this zodiac sign have a natural tendency to experience high levels of stress and anxiety which Tiger's eye has the power to cleanse away.
Colors: Libra's colors are pink and blue, which help open the heart and soften one's presence. These pastel hues bring a calming and likable presence to Libra's personality, symbolizing a cool, calming breeze. Light blue increases clarity and balance while pink evokes Libra's sweet and loving nature. Light blue, pink, and white beautifully capture this sign's pursuit of peace, diplomacy, and beauty. When surrounded by these colors, Libras feel more attuned to their nature, finding clarity, tranquility, and equilibrium. This sign's power colors are pink and blue, which seem opposite but actually balance each other out. Pink is calming, linked with love, femininity, optimism, and kindness, while blue is restorative, linked with the ocean or sky, sincerity, intellectuality, and thoughtfulness.
Metals: Just like Copper, Taurians, Librans and Aquarians are positive personalities and tend to ward off all evil. There is no better addition to their homes than a door panel finished with copper. Not only is copper a coolant and lucky for these zodiac's but is also a head-turner every time someone passes by your door!
Do NOT Recommend: For the harmonious Libra, brown should be avoided. Brown can disrupt the delicate balance that Libras strive to maintain in their lives. Instead, surround yourself with shades of pink and light blue that enhance your sense of grace and harmony. It just so happens that Jupiter has an acrimonious relationship with Venus, Libra's ruling planet. Therefore it is advised that Libra descendants should avoid wearing Topaz, as they could inherit the negative energies released from the relationship between these two planets. Bold colors such as Red, Brown and Black should be avoided by the Libra zodiac sign natives. These colors are highly inauspicious and may invoke negative energy among the Librans. Here is how these Libra unlucky colors can affect the natives. Red is the color of aggression, danger and stress. Some crystals, like smoky quartz and amazonite, may not be ideal for Libra. These are the ones that disrupt their equilibrium and can evoke negative emotions. To maintain their sense of balance, Libras should avoid: Dramatic Reds: Intense reds can be overwhelming and disrupt Libra's peace and harmony.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Recommendations: The gemstones obsidian, citrine, turquoise, malachite, aquamarine and lapis lazuli are perfect for the constellation Scorpio. These stones offer the Scorpio grounding, clarity, protection, emotional healing, decisiveness and inner stability. The two birthstones that belong to Scorpio are topaz and citrine – the gemstones associated with integrity, love, passion, and purpose. Both topaz and citrine come in a wide array of colors ranging from shades of yellow, blue, red, green, brown, purple, and pink. Your ideal crystals include Malachite for transformation, Labradorite for spiritual awakening, Aquamarine for calming, and Black Obsidian for protection. The principal lucky stone for the Scorpio natives is Topaz. Nevertheless, the other stones they can choose from including amethyst, aquamarine, tourmaline, opal and beryl. Topaz helps conduct the energies of Sagittarius' ruling planet Pluto for the benefit of the Scorpio natives. Black Obsidian, the crystal of protection and transformation, resonates beautifully with Scorpio's desire for depth and regeneration. Just as Scorpio seeks profound transformation, Black Obsidian helps us shed the old and embrace the new. Yellow Sapphire - One specific stone that gets your attention for prosperity and good fortune for Scorpion is Yellow sapphire or pukhraj. An original yellow sapphire has the capacity to handle diverse issues related to career, money, marriage, health and more. Amethyst offers Scorpios a potent means of harnessing their intense energy. This purple stone aligns beautifully with the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, elevating Scorpio's intuition and inner clarity.
Colors: Their colors should reflect these qualities. Shades like deep red, maroon, and burgundy resonate with their passionate nature. These colors represent intensity, desire, and a hint of mystery. The deep blues and blackish tones also align with their emotional depth. Power Color: Black. This intense shade (or absence of color) makes complete sense for Scorpio, who loves nothing more than to keep people guessing. And while intense, black can be used in myriad ways that could surprise you.
Metals: Scorpio people should memorize that they should always wear copper or silver metal. This will give them special benefits. It will be auspicious to wear copper jewelry. In reality, Scorpios can wear both gold and silver. But if you do believe in astrology or are superstitious, then pick silver.
Do NOT Recommend: Emerald. Emerald is the gemstone for Mercury, which is disagreeable with Mars, the governing planet for Scorpio. Therefore, it should be avoided. The power of the Emerald can be difficult to steer for Scorpio and can have an adverse effect on the stability of emotions. For Scorpios, there are several beneficial crystals you can use in your spiritual practice. However, others may not prove to be helpful along the way. According to Hobbyist Geek, Scorpio may want to steer clear of Blue Lace Agate and Red Jasper. Avoid these colors to maintain your equilibrium: Neon Yellow: This color can create restlessness and disrupt your emotional balance. Pastel Pink: It may make you feel vulnerable and too exposed. Bright Orange: This color can be overwhelming and distracting for Scorpios. Presence of light colors, like light blue, white or pastels, does not suit them as they might feel out of their mind and lose senses.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Recommendations: Essential crystals for you include Citrine for positivity, Labradorite for spiritual growth, Amazonite for balanced communication, and Carnelian for boosting confidence and creativity. For those born under the adventurous sign of Sagittarius, their chosen birthstones are Tanzanite and Turquoise, each with its own special qualities. Turquoise is the most popular stone associated with Sagittarius and it's connected to those born in November. Its blue and green opaque appearance embodies its connection with water, which is again reflected in its healing properties. A powerful Sagittarius stone is Tiger's Eye, which gives them the courage, focus, and determination they need to live life on their own terms. The birthstones associated with Sagittarius – Turquoise, Blue Topaz, and Amethyst – are no exception, each offering unique benefits tailored to the Archer's spirit and journey. Emotional Healing: Turquoise is known for its capacity to soothe the mind, alleviating anxiety and bringing clarity during tumultuous times.
Colors: Yellow, Orange, and Violet are the best colors for Sagittarius. Purple is a color associated with royalty as well as wisdom and mystery. Purple color is associated with wisdom, vision, and spirituality. If you talk about lucky colors for Sagittarius then bright colors can be better for you. Sagittarius: Dark yellow and orange are lucky colors for you since they encourage impulsive behavior and wit. Lucky colors that are thought to shield you from negative implications around you are icy blue and turquoise. A Sagittarius can feel even more friendly, funny, honest, and spontaneous when wearing their power color: purple! This color is known for luxury, nobility, wisdom, dignity, grace, mysticism, and calm, so surround yourself with purple to feel more positive, open, and social.
Metals: Iron and Gold are the lucky metals of the Sagittarius. Leo and Cancer are the signs which are the most compatible signs with Sagittarius. It is auspicious for the people of Sagittarius to wear gold or brass metal jewelry.
Do NOT Recommend: The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter. Their metal is gold. According to astrology, silver is not considered a good metal for the people of this zodiac. If the people of this zodiac wear a silver ring or any jewelry, then there is a possibility of an accident happening to them. It's wise to steer clear of the following hues: Black: Black may weigh them down, hindering their adventurous spirit. Brown: Brown can symbolize stagnation, something Sagittarius wants to avoid. Gray: Gray might dim their enthusiasm and hinder their quest for knowledge. Black and Blue are the unlucky colors for Sagittarius. These colors subside the energy of Jupiter and attract negativity and misfortune. Here is how these colors affect the life of Sagittarius natives. Blue color signifies unfriendliness, frigidity, and coldness. But there are certain stones that the sign must avoid wearing without expert consultation. The unlucky stone for Sagittarius are Blue Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, and Hessonite. Wearing unsuitable stones can have many negative impacts.