Information & Knowledge




This Gemstone is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit.  It also cleanses the environment.  It is believed to draw disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain.

Amber is helps absorb pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress.  Amber clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression.  It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience.

**Amazing for all signs of the Zodiac, but especially for Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius as well as for those that have their ascendent there or are attributed to the Moon




The Stone of courage, Amazonite empowers us to discover our own truths and integrity and helps us to live in alignment with those beliefs and values.

This beautiful stone provides the freedom to express our thoughts and feelings (especially in relationships), providing harmony and balance and helping to soothe emotional trauma and release pain from our past.

**Amazonite is associated with the zodiac sign of Virgo, however, those born under the signs of Leo and Aries are also known to have been associated with this Gemstone.




Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone, which promotes calm, balance and peace. It can help soothe away daily stresses and help to purify the mind of negative thoughts, facilitating intuition and communication.

Amethyst absorbs negative energy and emits a positive, protective energy to help bring emotional stability and inner strength and is a great stone to travel with for assurance and self-protection.

Put an amethyst stone under your pillow to alleviate sleeplessness, reduce nightmares and increase good dreams.

**Amethyst is associated with the month of February and the zodiac sign of Aquarius & Pisces. Also associated, the zodiac sign Gemini has been known to help for seeking balance and clarity in their lives.



Aquamarine has log been associated with the sea and its healing properties. Once used to protect sailors, purify water and heal the sick, Aquamarine was also thought of as a stone of happiness and eternal youth.

A powerful stone to assist self-healing, with its soothing energy, it can increase your ability to handle grief, release anger and embrace change, as well as granting you the courage to go on. It gently brings rejuvenation and renewal to the mind, body and spirit and makes space for peace and tranquillity. 

**A water stone, aquamarine is connected to Pisces and Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer. It is also connected to the signs of Gemini and Libra.




The Stone of Opportunity,  Green Aventurine is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals. This is particularly true when manifesting prosperity and wealth but also beneficial in increasing your chances of success on first dates, at interviews and in competitions.

Aventurine connects us to our heart, releasing old patterns and habits and helping us to embrace change with a sense of confidence and optimism.

**Anyone can wear a green aventurine as it makes a great addition to your collection with its benefits. But green aventurine is mostly associated with zodiac signs, namely Aries, Taurus, and Virgo. It brings comfort to the stressed and courage and self-confidence to the self-saboteurs.


Blue Apatite


The perfect stone for encouraging personal growth and helping you achieve your dreams. It will arouse the creative soul within you, offering a sense of clarity, focus and self-expression through recognizing your ambitions and directing your energy towards them.

The Gemstone of manifestation, promoting personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy and negativity and enhances insight and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance acceptance and unconditional love relating to the self as well as from others.

**Apatite is the birthstone zodiac sign of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. It is used for those born around the spring or vernal equinox, at the beginning of the year.

Azurite w/ Malachite 


Azurite sometimes called a "stone of heaven"--is commonly believed to provide insight into all areas of life, promote intuition, stimulate creativity, dissolve impediments and soften cold intellectualism with love and compassion.

Azurite also helps to open and cleanse the Chakras and is thought to be helpful in treating addiction. 

**Azurite resonates with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius. It helps them to connect their mind and body, allowing them to enhance their psychic abilities.



Malachite can cleanse the chakras and bring you to a realization about what’s not working. It’s one of the most powerful transformational crystals for the heart. It provides emotional balance that encourages you to take the action to remove negative patterns and transform.

Malachite has been traditionally used to ward off danger and fight illness. It has been said to protect against falling and has been wrapped over bruises and broken bones to help with tissue regeneration and healing. Malachite tends to draw negative energy and disharmony into itself.

**Malachite is not a birthstone, however, there are ways to associate it with signs. The zodiac sign of Taurus is the one that is most associated with Malachite, however, it is also quite connected with those born under the signs of Capricorn and Scorpio.




Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geo-pathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreams and its power revitalizes. Gives courage and teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations. Bloodstone encourages selflessness and idealism.

**Bloodstones are traditionally prescribed as one of the birthstones for the zodiac sign Aries. It is also assigned as one of the birthstones for those born in March, along with Aquamarine. Those born under the sign of Libra and Pisces can also benefit from wearing bloodstones.

Lapis Lazuli


Lapis Lazuli’s meaning is based on honor, wisdom, truth, and good judgement; helpful in problem solving, intellectual analysis and coming up with new ideas.

The Sumerians believed that the spirit of their gods lived within the stone, while the ancient Egyptians saw it as a symbol of the night sky. Since the earliest of times, lapis lazuli has been associated with royalty, strength and courage, wisdom and intellect, friendship and truth.

**According to Vedic astrology, the zodiac signs for wearing the Lapis or "Lajward" are Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn, and Taurus.



Jade symbolism includes associations with nobility and wealth. Many consider it a protector of generations, living and dead. Jade has been and always will be the "Gem Supreme" and the "Jewel of Heaven," stone of the heart.

It also promotes self-sufficiency and soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Believed to hold ancient wisdom jade is a wonderful stone for instilling peace and purity into the mind and guiding us towards a vision of who we are truly meant to be.

**Associated with the zodiac signs of Aries, Libra, Taurus and Gemini, Jade is one of the best known and most prized stones.



Jasper is known to sustain and support during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life and can help to bring ideas to fruition by enhancing determination. 

Jasper, in all its forms, is considered a powerful healing stone. Jasper is regarded as a gemstone that gives a sense of well-being, intensifying that feeling. Also a stone of gentleness and relaxation, fancy jasper's rich colors blend and complement each other so well for a complete sense of wholeness.

**The Jasper Stone is also known as the "mother of all gemstones" and people have believed in its healing properties and strength for thousands of years. The red jasper can give the Scorpio, Aries & Virgo confidence and the ability to process spiritually.



This gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against negativity of the world. Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well. Labradorite is known for its changing colors, so it is no surprise this gemstone is known as a stone of transformation, enhancing strength of will and inner worth.

This stone is usually used to meditate and balance your aura. Labradorite crystal meaning has a magical ability to promote growth to our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Women who are experiencing some trauma and undergoing emotional treatment are the best people to wear this Labradorite.

**Labradorite is associated with the throat, third eye and crown chakras, zodiac signs of Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius and vibrates to the number 6. It is a protective stone which can also help one unlock unique gifts and strengthen connections with spirit.


Black Obsidian


Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during change. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.  It was also called Itzli in Mexican lore which translates to The God of Stone. The spiritual meaning of Obsidian is safety and grounding.

Obsidian is believed to be a stone of clarity, with the ability to release emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages, drawing out stress and tension. Obsidian is also known for clearing ancient traumas, detoxification, and encouraging personal growth.

**Generally, Obsidian is closely associated with astrological signs: Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Black Onyx


The black onyx is a powerful spiritual stone that has many meanings and applications. It is known as the "stone of protection" because it wards off negative energy and attracts good luck. It is also believed to be a protective agent against psychic attacks.

It has been believed that the Black Onyx acts as a protecting agent from the evil or the negative energy. It is also been used by pregnant women to ease the pain during pregnancy or at the time of delivery. The Black Onyx gemstone is worn to release any sort of negativity from a person.

**Onyx is the official birthstone for those native to the zodiac signs Leo or Capricorn, and is said to help these individuals with becoming masters of their own destinies. It provides them with steadfast confidence, centers energy in times of mental or physical stress, and offers wise decision-making.




By opening the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown chakras, moonstone can promote spiritual growth, intuition, and a sense of oneness with the universe. This gemstone encourages us to explore the depths of our inner selves, helping us gain a greater understanding of the world around us and discover our purpose in life.

Channel hope, sensitivity, and abundance by wearing Moonstone. Associated with the crown chakra and divine feminine energy, this iridescent gemstone is thought to inspire intuition and psychic abilities.

**Together with Pearl and Alexandrite, Moonstone is crowned as the June birthstone, and designated for the zodiac sign of GeminiMoonstone has countless benefits. It has powerful energy and has an affinity with Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces astrological signs.



Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one's highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic.

Known as the “rescue stone,” the Rhodonite is one of the most powerful heart chakra stones in the gem world. The Rhodonite properties bolster feelings of forgiveness and compassion, the essential virtues necessary for unconditional love to flourish.

**Associated with zodiac sign Scorpio however, Rhodonite is an excellent mineral for Anyone who wants to improve their physical or emotional health. By finding the right color of rhodonite, you can experience healing on many levels. As with all crystals, make sure to cleanse and charge them regularly.

Rose Quartz


Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart, a crystal of unconditional love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion, peace, tenderness and healing. It speaks directly to the Heart, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Opening the heart on all levels, it teaches the true essence of love, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.

Rose quartz is known as a healing crystal and the stone of unconditional love. It's believed by some to emit strong vibrations of love, which are thought to: support emotional and relationship healing. inspire compassion. boost feelings of peace and calm. 

**Rose quartz is directly related to the heart chakra, which benefits those born under the zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus. Keeping this stone nearby brings good luck and boosts confidence. It also cleanses the aura and increases positivity, happiness, and abundance around the wearer.

Smoky Quartz


Smoky Quartz can keep you grounded if you're doing spiritual work or meditating, encourage a deeper connection to the Earth, support feelings of peace and calm, and even help you work through personal fears.

It is also believed to counter fear, overcome depression and bring about emotional stability while facilitating positive, practical thinking with clear insights.

**All those born under the zodiac signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn are perfect match for smoky quartz.

Blue Sapphire


Sapphire is one of the most effective healing and precious stones. It is also the stone of fidelity, love, peace and tranquilityThey are said to have the power to release mental tension, dispel depression, facilitate meditation, calm the mind, and provide mental clarity.

Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought.

**Sapphire is suitable for those born under the astrological signs of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Wearing sapphire brings good fortune to these zodiac signs since Saturn has a positive influence on these zodiac signs.



Sodalite is a stone of truth, enabling the conscious and subconscious mind to connect with one's thoughts and feelings, and helps one to recognize and verbalize those feelings and truths objectively.

This is a fascinating stone with multiple meanings and properties, including the ability to facilitate spiritual enlightenment, growth, discipline, and motivation. Also associated with fear and guilt, Sodalite pushes you higher to claim that confidence clarity and emotional intelligence that is needed for enhancing self-trust.

**This gemstone is said to have a strengthening effect on logic, rational thinking, and objectivity and unites these with intuition. Sodalite can also be used in a group to strengthen harmony, trust, and solidarity. Sodalite is associated with the zodiac signs Virgo and Sagittarius.

Tigers Eye


Tiger's Eye is the earthly stone to use when you feel more grounded. It can help provide spiritual stability, allowing you to tap into deeper levels of your consciousness. This also helps to bring up levels of self-confidence since it is hard to remain confident without a grounded, solid foundation beneath you.

Wearing a tiger eye jewelry can enhance your self-confidence and help with mental conditions if you battle with shyness or uncertainty. Tiger's Eye is a great Gemstone for emotional and mental wellness.

Historically, Roman soldiers wore Tiger Eye into battle, believing it bestowed qualities of bravery and strength. In astrology, Tiger Eye is favored for individuals born in odd years. Wearing it instills confidence, offering protection against the evil eye and malevolent forces

**Most of you might already know Tiger's Eye is the birthstone of Geminis, but many don't know why. As Mercury rules Gemini, it's a friend of the Sun and neutral to the astrological properties of Mars. That's why wearing Tiger's Eye bracelets helps Geminis in decision-making, adaptability, wit, and universal connection.



Carnelian is one of the very few stones, along with yellow topaz, that is known to have a stabilizing effect on the body's energy field. It is also thought to be a very protective stone, especially of the physical body. That's why Carnelian and chakra healing go hand-in-hand.

In  contemporary times, carnelian is thought by some to enhance self-esteem and creativity, to combat feelings of inadequacy, to increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. In the home, carnelian is believed to increase motivation towards action.

**If you are prone to heightened emotions and anger, you may wish to avoid wearing a Carnelian stone. Its powerful vibrations boost confidence and power, which may overwhelm some people.  Leo, Virgo, Taurus, and Cancer all work well with Carnelian.



Citrine is believed to be of value in healing the spiritual self as well, as it is a powerful cleanser and regenerator. It carries the virtues of self-healing, inspiration and self-improvement. Carrying the power of the sun, it is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. 

Spiritually, citrine is thought to cleanse the aura, promote spiritual growth, and align one's energy with higher consciousness. It is often used during meditation to enhance clarity and attract positive energies into one's life.

**Anyone seeking protection against negative energy or who wants to clear their aura/energy field may wear citrine for its cleansing and protective qualities. It's also known as the “stone of the mind”. Astrologically, the citrine gemstone is associated with the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo, and Libra.


One of the most notable healing properties of emerald is its ability to provide emotional balance and stability. The stone is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and is known to promote mental clarity, emotional well-being, and a sense of inner harmony.

Through time, the emerald has been known as a symbol of truth and love. In ancient Greece and Rome, emerald was said to be the gemstone of the goddess Venus, purveyor of love and hope.

**In astrology, the gemstone emerald is associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, and emerald is considered the birthstone for individuals born under these signs.


Blue Sandstone (Small Sparkles already in Stone)


Bluestones are believed to be emotional healing and can be second-hand as an aid in healing grief and sorrow. This is known for a way to aid in emotional healing. Known for their calming and soothing properties, blue crystals have been used to assist heal grief, sorrow, and depression.

Sandstone is a stone of creativity. It helps to build and strengthen the cohesiveness and solidarity within relationships. Encourages truth and promotes clarity in thought and sight. Sandstone balances one's reality and facilitates ease of movement and change.

**Blue Sandstone is an alternative birthstone for people born in January, and metaphysical healers believe it's especially helpful for those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Blue Sandstone's resemblance to the night sky serves as a reminder that we're all part of the same universal energy. However, it is also said to have beneficial properties for other signs, including Aries, Leo, and Libra.




Howlite is a beautiful white crystal that has many powerful spiritual properties. It is known for its ability to calm the mind and ease stress and anxiety. Howlite can also be used to connect with higher realms and bring guidance and insight from your spiritual guides. Howlite is a stone of patience and perspective, for those who feel they need to slow it down, absorb, and clear the constant stream of chatter from the mind.

Associated with both the root and crown chakras, Howlite expands our spiritual awareness while amplifying our feelings of safety and security. Howlite calms the mind, body, and spirit. Howlite is a powerful stone known for its ability to banish negative energy and level turbulent emotions.

**The Gemini zodiac sign and Howlite are two peas in a pod – both beautifully balancing each other out. If you know anything about Gemini's it’s that they are a whole cosmos of emotions. Howlite is renowned for its beautiful healing properties. Those who use it often report a decrease in bad energy and an increase in their energy levels, making it the perfect choice for those looking to heal themselves.





**Please consult with an actual physician before starting any healing practices especially if taking prescribed or required medications. Please do NOT replace any of these methods without consulting with you physician if needed. We care about ALL persons health and safety!!